However, just having a goal is not enough. Your goals must be smart. A smart goal is a goal that is achievable and which does not set you up for failure. An achievable goal is one that you are not sure you can achieve. This type of goal assures that you stretch your capabilities. An unachievable goal is one that you know you cannot achieve.
Moreover, a smart goal is aligned with your ultimate goal. Otherwise, your accomplishments become trivial once you realize they have not made any contribution towards the ultimate goal, which consequently hurts your confidence and makes you depressed.
It is important that you stick with your goals and do not alter them after encountering the first obstacle. Yet, it is wise to be ready to change your goal once you realize a blunder or because of a change in environment. If the goal is changed repeatedly, you have to reevaluate your ability of setting up smart goals. Furthermore if the ever changing goals have been set for others as well, you will soon lose respect and credibility.